Responsible Agriculture

Agricultural sustainability is based on the principle of meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, and envisions an agricultural sector with sustainable use of natural sources. Responsible agriculture includes protecting and improving the quality of resources, and using them in a way that allows future generations to regenerate them.

Sustainable management of agricultural activities enables the protection and restoration of critical habitats, protection of watersheds, and improvement of soil health and water quality. However, unsustainable practices in agricultural areas cause serious effects on people and the environment, and threaten our future.

The demand for agricultural products increases alongside the world's population. The deep ties between agriculture and the world economy, human communities and biodiversity underline the importance of maintaining sustainable agriculture around the world.

Businesses in the agricultural sector are critical to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These businesses play a key role in making quality investments, ensuring decent work, and creating supply chains that benefit producers and consumers alike.

At Yapı Kredi, we support the vision of sustainability in the agricultural sector, and remove the barriers to our farmers with strategic products that contribute to growth.